Immobilisers fitted by Auto Installation Services

Immobilisers After Market

An immobiliser gives you the very best security against car theft. A vehicle immobiliser is a electronic device that protects your vehicle from being hot wired. Unlike factory fitted immobilisers these keys can't be cloned so we regard them as ultra secure.

Most of the immobilisers we supply and fit are Thatcham Cat 2 approved. What does Thatcham Cat 2 approval mean to the customer? You have a solid metal or epoxy sealed immobiliser ECU module fitted inside your vehicles interior and the unit has all black wires exiting the module. When an engineer is fitting the system they cut off the tagged ends. This means a car thief would be confused and doesn't know where each of the wires go once cut to try and start the vehicle. All immobilisers are self arming and once you turn the vehicles ignition off the system will arm normally within 30 seconds.

We supply and fit Car Immobilisers and issue a Thatcham certificate on completion.

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